Thursday, September 16, 2010

Double Shift

Last night I got a text message from one of my coworkers at the Target Starbucks. It said the following.

Hey so my car has been sitting in the parking lot
at work dead since yesterday so i came to jump it
tonight and there seems to be something more
wrong with it. So now i dont have a ride to work in
the morning and i need to try to find someone
to fix it tomorrow before dance so i really
really need someone to come in for me tomorrow
morning at Starbucks the shift is from 730 to 2.
Please let me know if you can

I've had car trouble myself before, as have most people. So, when I saw this message, I was sympathetic to Coworker's plight, but I was already scheduled to work from 2 PM to 9:30 PM, which was the closing shift for the Starbucks. I sent a message back to Coworker, politely informing her that I was closing and therefore would not be able to take her shift in the morning. I wished her luck.

I stayed up rather late last night playing video games. I went to bed at about 4 AM, thinking that I didn't have to be at work until 2 and thus I would have plenty of time to get an adequate amount of sleep.

I woke up to my cell phone ringing at 8:30 AM. Here is where I made my first mistake. Had I been properly awake, I would have checked the display, realized that it was Target calling, and then let them leave a voicemail so I could see what they wanted before I called them back.

God help my half-asleep self, I answered the phone. I probably sounded like a zombie.

The person calling was my supervisor for the Starbucks and Target Cafe, who was working on the sales floor that morning. Supervisor told me in her high-pitched voice, sounding horrendously close to an emotional breakdown, that Coworker had called in that morning and that she had called EVERYONE else who knew how to work at the Starbucks, and none of them were answering their phones or calling back, and would I come in early and work a double?

Supervisor's sob story made me feel bad. Although I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, I made my second error and agreed to come in as soon as I'd gotten showered and dressed. I was too tired to even think to ask why Supervisor herself didn't just work in the Starbucks, instead of on the sales floor where there were probably plenty of other people scheduled.

I took my shower, got dressed, and ran out the door. I didn't even comb my hair-- I just mashed my hat down over my wet hair and ran for it. Breakfast? Didn't happen.

I made it to work by 9:30. Cafe-Girl was happy to see me because that meant she didn't have to try to work both sides and therefore run around like a moron all day. Supervisor came over and told me how happy she was. By then, I was slightly more aware and I mentioned that if they could get ahold of any of the other employees, I would be more than happy to let someone else come in whenever they wanted and close Starbucks for me so I wouldn't be working a double.

Supervisor just gave me a simpering smile and said that none of the other girls were answering their phones, and that they'd already tried calling everyone they could. Supervisor then walked away.

The first few hours of my shift were agonizingly slow. Time moved at a crawl and then seemed to stop altogether. I was tired and hungry. Cafe-Girl went to her break and while she was gone, another girl who works at the Starbucks came to Target to do some shopping. She saw me, waved, and we started talking.

I asked her if she wanted to close. She wasn't able to, but when I explained why I asked, she looked confused. "Nobody called me." she said.

Well, that was great. Had they called anyone? Probably not.

My shift continued. All of my customers were absolute assholes. People yelled at me, cussed at me, and generally treated me as if I wouldn't have been good enough to handle their shit. I tried my hardest to remain positive and polite throughout. Cafe-Girl's replacement came in at 3:30. Noone came to replace me.

The day grew steadily worse the later it got. Nighttime-Cafe-Girl went home. An older man yelled at me because his coffee was 'too thick.' Apparently it had the consistency of licorice, which was bullshit because I poured him another cup from the exact same pot and he said that it was 'tolerable.'

One of my other coworkers came in to do some shopping, and said hello. Guess what? Noone had called HER, either. Which means that Supervisor lied to me. You don't insist that you called -everyone- but just accidentally forget two people who aren't scheduled that day.

So now I'm exhausted, cranky, hungry, and generally not-thrilled. I'm too tired to even draw a picture.


1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize with you. The manager should not have told you that they had called everyone when they didn't. That is just BS. Anyways, hope tomorro is better for you.
