So my friend invited me to lunch today, along with two of his other friends. I was quite alright with this arrangement, because I like hanging out with my friend, and I was also very hungry. So the place agreed upon by the other three parties was the Mongolian Grill. It's kind of a... dirty-looking, not-great establishment, and the service is horrible (you never get refills on your drinks, and the waitresses are downright hostile), but that was where the three of them decided to go, so that was where I went.
Immediately upon entering the restaurant, I knew that this was a horrible mistake.
The place was packed.
Fun fact about Laura? I'm people-phobic. I hate people. I hate crowds. I have panic attacks in crowds. I've almost run out of the grocery store screaming just to get away from the crushing waves of people inside.
The four of us were escorted to a table, which I noticed was completely surrounded by other tables full of people. My friend and the other woman in the group started chatting about things I knew nothing about, as I'd never met this lady before, and the other guy began eating.
I was left alone with my thoughts.
And as I sat there thinking, trying to focus on my plate of lukewarm, partially-edible buffet food, I became increasingly aware of the fact that I was surrounded. Completely. There were people all around me. And they were all loud. Talking, laughing, chewing, smacking their gums.
I started to freak out. I thought about rushing out into the aisle and making another trip around the buffet to pretend I actually wanted to eat more, but there were people swarming it like flies to a carcass. I thought, maybe I could get away by heading to a bathroom, or outside-- but there were people there too.
And here's where I really panicked. I grew increasingly anxious. I was torn hopelessly between running out of the restaurant in tears, embarrassing myself, and trying to tough out the longest lunch of my life.
I tried to tough it out. And I know that at that point, I was just being neurotic, but this is how I felt in those moments.

Look, I know it's terribly drawn, but trust me, it was a lot more alarming in my head. Have you seen the music video for Soundgarden's 'Black Hole Sun?' You know, where all the people are terrifying and facially-distorted and grinning like lunatics?
That's the closest comparison I can make.
From there, all I remember is a vague blur that might have been my lunch companions talking, and me staring dully at my half-empty bowl of cold wonton soup, praying that it would all be over soon.
I remember half-slumping against a wall while we paid the bill. I remember emerging into the sun outside and gulping down air like I'd been drowning or something.
Dear Blog. My Friday has sucked so far.
Love, Laura.